Pa. Aliyi Ekineh’s Visit

Members of the Niger Delta Peace Initiative and Development (NDPiD) paid a courtesy visit to Pa. Aliyi Ekine at his residence in London on the 14th September 2019. In attendance were the President of the organisation Ms. Annah Buseri, General Secretary Mr. Martins Biu, NDPiD Patron and former President Ijaw People’s Association (IPA) of Great Britain and Ireland Elder Rowland Ekperi,  Elder MacDonald I.J. Mopho, a lawyer and author; and Niger Delta environmental protection activist Mr Benaebi Ogwoko.

The group was warmly received by Pa. Ekineh and his son Fynye Ekineh. Elder Rowland Ekperi introduced the group in the traditional Niger Delta culture. He further acknowledged Pa. Ekineh’s immense contributions to the Niger Delta region through decades of relentless advocacy and struggles for an independent Niger Delta, which will see her resources well managed for the benefit of its people. In his word “I have known Pa. Ekineh for several decades, and one thing that brought us so close is his consistency in advocating for an independent Niger Delta, a cause he has been dedicated to since 1966. This he committed  his time, personal resources and even engaged his family in the pursuit”.

An award of a plaque in his recognition of his noble contributions for the struggle was presented to Pa. Ekine by the president of the organisation on behalf of NDPID.

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